Rural Alaska Solid Waste Training Videos
Rural Alaska Solid Waste Training Videos
These videos are the presentations that accompany discussion forums, assignments, and quizzes in the following online course: Introduction to Rural Alaska Landfill Administration. Registration for this online course is available through the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals at under Tribal Waste and Response or available via self-enrollment at by creating a free account.
Introduction to Rural Alaska Landfill Administrator (RALA) provides tribal environmental professionals in rural Alaska an introduction to the landfill management and operations and resources for additional training. The development of this short course was a collaborative effort between the Alaska Chapter of the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA AK Chapter), Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), the Alaska Forum, Inc., Green Star, and the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals. In-depth courses for Rural Alaska Landfill Administrator training are offered by SWANA AK Chapter instructors in person annually at the Alaska Tribal Conference on Environmental Management. This online course is equivalent to 0.5 continuing education unit (CEU) and requires approximately five hours of total learning time. CEUs can be earned by completing the following course modules:
- Introduction to Landfills, Administration, and Operations in Rural Alaska
- Solid Waste Administration, Planning, and Budgeting Basics
- Minimizing Waste in Your Landfill
After completing this online course, participants in rural Alaska will be able to:
- Identify the classification and type of landfill in their community.
- Recognize the top ten landfill issues.
- Define landfill administratorās and operatorās roles.
- Identify basic administrative, planning, and budgeting needs for managing landfills.
- Identify strategies for minimizing waste that fits their communitiesā needs.
- Identify best management practice for burning waste.
Instructors Include:
Ted Jacobson, Solid Waste Tribal Liaison, EPA/SEE Program/Alaska
Doug Huntman, Green Star Program Director, Alaska Forum
Stephen Price, Rural Landfill Specialist, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Solid Waste Program