Indigenous Narratives of Place: Geographic Strategies for Revisioning Traumatized Land
From ITEP Team
From ITEP Team
This training was delivered as part of the Tribal Lands and Environment Forum: Virtual Gathering in August 2021 by Dr. Theodore Jojola, PhD - Isleta Pueblo / UNM Indigenous Design & Planning Institute, Joseph Erb - Cherokee Nation / University of Missouri, Michaela Paulette Shirley - Dine / UNM Indigenous Design & Planning Institute, and Dr. Cynthia Annett and Jennifer Clancey - KSU Tribal TAB.
All training materials are located at Also see the agenda below for topics delivered throughout the training.
KSU Tribal TAB and UNM’s Indigenous Design & Planning Institute delivered a training where participants learned about the role of Indigenous planning in brownfields redevelopment projects through helpful storytelling, asset mapping, demographic analysis, and land use techniques. Learning objectives included: using the five beats of Indigenous storytelling to give your place a compelling narrative; identifying georeferenced community assets and places that contribute to important values for community, planning, and brownfield projects; modeling your community profile based on population data using available online tools to understand a place’s population structure; and using this information to inform decisions about land use.
0:00:00-0:03:23 Welcome and Introductions