Whether you are a GIS expert or have never used GIS, you can access map layers through publicly available tools to enhance your site inventories and climate adaptation plans. The new Tribal TAB team will join us to facilitate a hands-on workshop using your own data, computer, and smart phone. We will explore the updated Brownfields Inventory Tool (BiT), the free ArcGIS tools created by EPA, FEMA and other federal agencies (EPA EJScreen, EnviroAtlas, Climate Mapping for Resilience and Adaptation, etc.) and the free ArcGIS online platform using non-commercial accounts. You will learn how to visualize your sites on EPA mapping platforms, how to use BiT Mobile in the field to collect site data, and add your own content to ArcGIS online without having to purchase software. This training includes a walking tour of the old steam plant and Riverfront Park with staff from the city of Eugene, two brownfield sites in Eugene. The walk will be about 0.5 mile and includes time to grab lunch on your way back to the hotel. This training requires the use of a laptop (not a tablet) and a smartphone (if you cannot bring a laptop please contact the KSU Tribal TAB team and we will try to work out an accommodation).
Part 1:
https://mediaspace.nau.edu/media/t/1_02le07z1Part 2: