Federal Agencies and Solid Waste Management Programs: Partnering with Tribal Nations
From ITEP Team
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Join us for a discussion with the Indian Health Service, United States Department of Agriculture, and the Environmental Protection Agency, for an informational session around solid waste management issues that challenge tribal capacity to operate effective programs.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between the Indian Health Service (IHS) and US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The IHS and EPA’s Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery will share information and provide insight related to improving open dump data, solid waste projects, and waste management programs in Indian country.
During this interactive session, IHS and EPA will highlight the Focus Areas of the MOU, the Tribal Waste Program Assessment Form, and the IHS-EPA Training and Resources to support the MOU. Participants will learn how to review the open dumps on their lands and share their feedback and questions as it pertains to the Focus Areas as outlined in the MOU. Presenters: Charles Reddoor and David Jones-EPA; and Tanya Davis-IHS
USDA-Rural Development and EPA Solid Waste Grant Programs
The USDA Rural Utilities Service and the EPA Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery will share information and provide insight on solid waste management grants, including the timing of grant cycles and how eligible tribes and tribal organizations may apply. The session will also highlight several types of EPA and USDA grants available to assist with solid waste activities. USDA will provide information on how their grants can finance the development of solid waste facilities through collection, disposal, and site closure activities. EPA will highlight technical assistance programs and information about activities that can be funded through the new Tribal Solid Waste Grant. During this interactive session, attendees will also be able to share the barriers that tribes experience in applying for grants. Finally, we will provide an overview of the training resources and videos on Grants.gov. Presenters: Charles Reddoor-EPA, and James Fritz-USDA-RD
Landfills/Transfer Stations 101 and Much, Much More!
This session will provide participants with the basic information and an understanding of landfills, an overview of the different types of landfills, and what discarded materials can go into a specific landfill type. In addition, the components of a Municipal Solid Waste Landfill will be discussed along with the operation and maintenance requirements that are needed to operate a landfill. During this session, the pros, and cons of operating a landfill on tribal lands will also be discussed and potential benefits to the tribal community. The second part of the session will discuss transfer stations, why use a transfer station, how to estimate the transfer station size you may need, transfer station accomplishments, and ways to reduce the costs of operating a transfer station. Presenter: Craig Dufficy, EPA
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between the Indian Health Service (IHS) and US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The IHS and EPA’s Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery will share information and provide insight related to improving open dump data, solid waste projects, and waste management programs in Indian country.
During this interactive session, IHS and EPA will highlight the Focus Areas of the MOU, the Tribal Waste Program Assessment Form, and the IHS-EPA Training and Resources to support the MOU. Participants will learn how to review the open dumps on their lands and share their feedback and questions as it pertains to the Focus Areas as outlined in the MOU. Presenters: Charles Reddoor and David Jones-EPA; and Tanya Davis-IHS
USDA-Rural Development and EPA Solid Waste Grant Programs
The USDA Rural Utilities Service and the EPA Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery will share information and provide insight on solid waste management grants, including the timing of grant cycles and how eligible tribes and tribal organizations may apply. The session will also highlight several types of EPA and USDA grants available to assist with solid waste activities. USDA will provide information on how their grants can finance the development of solid waste facilities through collection, disposal, and site closure activities. EPA will highlight technical assistance programs and information about activities that can be funded through the new Tribal Solid Waste Grant. During this interactive session, attendees will also be able to share the barriers that tribes experience in applying for grants. Finally, we will provide an overview of the training resources and videos on Grants.gov. Presenters: Charles Reddoor-EPA, and James Fritz-USDA-RD
Landfills/Transfer Stations 101 and Much, Much More!
This session will provide participants with the basic information and an understanding of landfills, an overview of the different types of landfills, and what discarded materials can go into a specific landfill type. In addition, the components of a Municipal Solid Waste Landfill will be discussed along with the operation and maintenance requirements that are needed to operate a landfill. During this session, the pros, and cons of operating a landfill on tribal lands will also be discussed and potential benefits to the tribal community. The second part of the session will discuss transfer stations, why use a transfer station, how to estimate the transfer station size you may need, transfer station accomplishments, and ways to reduce the costs of operating a transfer station. Presenter: Craig Dufficy, EPA
This presentation was delivered as part of the Tribal Lands and Environment Forum in August 2022.
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