Jed Harrison, Former Director of the EPA Radiation and Indoor Environments National Lab and Former Sr. Tribal Advisor for the EPA Office of Radiation and Indoor Air,
introduces principles of radon mitigation.
This video is part of the online course titled Radon Fundamentals. This course is available at under the course category Tribal Indoor Air Quality. This online course has been developed to provide tribes with an introduction to radon, examples of how tribes are addressing radon, and possible funding opportunities. This online course is not a radon certification course. The presentations within this course were originally developed as webinars in February and March of 2016 in collaboration with USEPA Region 9 Tribal IAQ and Health Network and staff from Spokane Tribe Department of Natural Resources, Navajo Nation EPA, Taos Pueblo Tribal Housing Office, University of Alaska Fairbanks, and US Department of HUD.