This session will include:
• General review of what EPA Office of Emergency Management and Regional programs do especially with our Tribal partners.
• Updates on regulations, policies, TWAR priorities, emergency response assets, working with Tribes, environmental justice efforts, training and exercise opportunities, and other information Tribal professional can use to build knowledge and capacity for prevention, planning, preparedness, and response to oil and chemical incidents.
• *NEW* Emergency Response and Tribal Grants resource document and outreach effort in response to 2023 TWAR priorities.
• John Wheaton from Nez Perce will discuss different levels of emergency management operations, TERCs, staging, coordination with local communities (Tribal and non-Tribal), situational awareness, and buy in from Tribal decision makers (leaders, Managers, Directors, Program leads) for emergency planning.
• Monte Fronk from Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe will discuss treaty and trust responsibility during response and working and training for Tribal TERCs. Monte references thus video: