This presentation was delivered as part of the Tribal Lands and Environment Forum: Virtual Gathering in August 2021 by Mark Daniels with ITEP and Theodore Puetz with the Ak-Chin Indian Community.
The Tribal Pesticide Program Council (TPPC) is a tribal technical resource and program/policy development dialogue group, focused on pesticides issues and concerns. The TPPC assists tribes in building tribal pesticide programs, providing pesticide education and training, and researching, developing, and presenting a broad range of tribal pesticide-related issues and concerns. Through its interaction with EPA, the TPPC keeps Tribes informed of developments in the regulation of pesticides and pesticide use, and provides feedback to the EPA on such matters from a tribal perspective.
TPPC representatives will talk about the council and what we do, then open up the discussion to hear from Tribes about the pesticide-related concerns they are dealing with and how the TPPC may be able to help.