The session will discuss the general EPA Superfund Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) policy including the potential for incorporating TEK in various points in the Superfund process (e.g. site listing, risk assessment) while acknowledging confidentiality concerns. The session would then discuss the details at the Grasse River Superfund site. EPA Region 2 staff would partner with a representative from the Saint Regis Mohawk tribe to discuss the initial coordination with the tribe to explore the use of TEK and the tribal perspective on TEK. The discussion would also cover how TEK informed the risk assessment and remedy design/implementation; challenges to incorporating TEK; and lessons learned. Other site examples in Region 2 may also be briefly discussed.
The Navajo Abandoned Mine Lands Reclamation Department (NAMLRD), Navajo Nation, will show how our Environmental work has allowed the Navajo Nation to expand our Networking opportunities with local, tribal, state, federal and outside stakeholders. Based on over 30 years of department work, NAMLRD will share experiences in how we developed funding opportunities with Federal entities. NAMLRD will share information on how this is being passed on to youth via STEM events. Other Stakeholders will learn to take the opportunities that come before them.
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