In this video, we're going to discuss a few ways to reduce your NAU carbon footprint. One way to do this, is to turn your computer off at night when you leave the office, or you can put your…
In this video, learn how to embed a video in Microsoft PowerPoint on a PC
In this episode of Tech Tips, learn how to auto reply using PC. If you have any ideas for future episodes of Tech Time, feel free to contact us at prodev@nau.edu Thanks for watching!
In this episode of Tech Tips, learn how to map the Dana Drive using a PC. If you have any ideas for future episodes of Tech Time, feel free to contact us at prodev@nau.edu Thanks for watching!
In this episode of Tech Tips, learn how to connect to the NAU VPN using a PC. If you have any ideas for future episodes of Tech Time, feel free to contact us at prodev@nau.edu Thanks for watching!
In this episode of Tech Time, learn how to use the NAU Green PC. If you have any other ideas for future episodes of Tech Time, feel free to contact us at prodev@nau.edu. Thanks for watching!