In this video Alex Hall, with EPA’s Office of Research and Development, provides a concise walkthrough of the UST Finder. He uses a real life emergency situation faced by a Tribal Nation to…
The UST Finder is an online tool that is immensely useful not only to Tribal UST staff, but also for climate resiliency, land acquisition, housing, emergency preparedness programs. In this recording…
This presentation was delivered as part of the Tribal Lands and Environment Forum: Virtual Gathering in August 2021 by Sarah Swenson, Mitchell Sumner, Charlotte Snyder, and Steve Witkin with US EPA. …
This presentation was delivered as part of the Tribal Lands and Environment Forum: Virtual Gathering in August 2021 by Emerald Laija, Emily Royal, and Jonathan Tso with US EPA. This first part of…
This is the second webinar offered in the Air Quality Planning for Wildland Smoke series. For more information, contact Pat Ellsworth at Patricia.Ellsworth@nau.edu.Moderators: Pat Ellsworth (ITEP)…
This video is part of the online course titled Building Performance: Improving Energy Efficiency and IAQ. This course will be available at itep.scholarlms.com/courses/ under the course category…