Search for tag: "insititue for tribal environmental professionals"

Introduction to Meteorological Monitoring 2

Webinar Description: This webinar series will provide tribal professionals basic information on meteorology and meteorological monitoring guidance for in-situ primary meteorological monitoring…

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From  ITEP Team 49 plays 0  

Webinar 2:Introduction to Air Quality Modeling for Permitting Programs

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From  ITEP Team 14 plays 0  

Muscogee Nation presents Wild Onions

Jeremiah Wilson shows us the traditional methods of harvesting wild onions, and Jason Walls explains the communal process of preparing and sharing wild onions.

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From  Amanda Kapp 9 plays 0  

Estimating Non-Point Source Emissions

This webinar will present potential methods used to estimate emissions for common nonpoint sources located on Tribal Lands. We will discuss in detail what data needs to be collected in order to use…

From  ITEP Team 24 plays 0  

VW Settlement 3rd Cycle Informational Webinar_06.03.20

On June 3rd, 2020, ITEP VW Technical Assistance Program staff presented a webinar aimed at new beneficiaries of the VW Tribal Trust (or new staff of returning beneficiaries), to assist them in…

From  ITEP Team 15 plays 0  

VW Settlement: How to Become a Beneficiary_encore02.20.20

ITEP’s VW Technical Assistance Program presented a webinar on February 20th, 2020 entitled “How to Become a Beneficiary Q&A Encore.” Presenters walked through the two forms…

From  ITEP Team 9 plays 0