Search for tag: "nau"
ABRC/CHER Workshop: Translational Research for Healthy ZonesThis workshop focuses on the primary characteristics of geographic/population zones associated with longer life expectancy and reduced health issues. Individuals in these zones are generally…
From Nicolas Beckett
16 plays
ITEP 2020 Homecoming Virtual "Parade" VideoPlease enjoy this short 45 second video about ITEP. This was the ITEP 2020 NAU Homecoming virtual "parade" video submission. Thanks.
From Julie Tieman
28 plays
Tech Tips - NAU DirectoryIn this episode of Tech Tips, learn how to search your classmates and professors in the search directory.
From Ashlee Binderim
94 plays
Tech Time - Remoting InLearn how to connect to the Remote Desktop on a Mac.
From Learning and Professional Development
340 plays
Tech Time - NAU Green PCIn this video you will learn how to connect to NAU Green PC.
From Learning and Professional Development
218 plays
Tech Time - NAU GmailIn this episode of Tech Time, learn how to use your NAU gmail. If you have any other ideas for future episodes of Tech Time, feel free to contact us at Thanks for watching!
From Ashlee Binderim
86 plays
Tech Tip - NAU Software DownloadIn this episode of Tech Tips, learn how to navigate NAU's software downloads If you have any ideas for future episodes of Tech Time, feel free to contact us at Thanks for…
From Ashlee Binderim
770 plays
Tech Time - NAU AlertIn this episode of Tech Time, learn how to use the NAU Alert System. If you have any other ideas for future episodes of Tech Time, feel free to contact us at Thanks for watching!
From Ashlee Binderim
2 plays
Tech Time - NAU VLabIn this episode of Tech Time, learn how to use the NAU VLab. If you have any other ideas for future episodes of Tech Time, feel free to contact us at Thanks for watching!
From Ashlee Binderim
198 plays