For this get together of the TSFWG we will be joined by our colleagues at
EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) who shared some research
they have been doing and hear your stories…
In this quarterly meeting of the Tribal Superfund Working Group, USGS staff provided an update on their Critical Minerals Pilot Program, and EPA's Office of Mountains Deserts and Plains staff…
An audio call discussing the Coeur d'Alene Tribe's Work on the Bunker Hill Superfund Site on February 2016.
In this quarterly meeting of the Tribal Superfund Working Group, we were joined by Carlos Pachon, from the US EPA’s Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI). Carlos…
The Superfund and Technology Liaisons (STLs) are a team of scientists and engineers who serve as the primary technical liaisons between each of EPA’s regional offices and the Office of Research…