Search for tag: "air pollution"

Air Pollution in American Indian Versus Non–American Indian Communities, 2000–2018

Our work analyzes total fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and PM2.5 component concentrations over time between American Indian and non-American Indian populated counties. Between 2000 and 2018, total…

+4 More
From  ITEP Team 19 plays 0  

The National Tribal Air Association Informational Webinar on EPA's SAFE Vehicles Rule Proposed

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From  Andy Bessler 22 plays 0  

Overview of CAA & Permitting Programs

Presenter: Laura Mckelvey (EPA) Moderator: Natasha Fulton (ITEP), Regina Chappell (EPA)

From  ITEP Team 111 plays 0  

1A-EI-Fundamentals- Orientation to Webinar Series

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From  Melinda Ronca-Battista 21 plays 0  

7B EI-Advanced: QA-QC for an Emissions Inventory

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From  Melinda Ronca-Battista 2 plays 0  

7A EI-Advanced-Introduction and Roadmap to Your EI

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From  Melinda Ronca-Battista 2 plays 0  

AQ Basics and Overview of CAA

The Air Quality Basics and Overview of the Clean Air Act webinar was delivered on February 6, 2017 as part of the 2017 Management Course. Patricia Ellsworth provided and introduction to air quality…

From  ITEP Team 229 plays 0