Search for tag: "clean air act"

Session 5 - CAA3

From  ITEP Team 39 plays 0  

Session 5 - CAA2

From  ITEP Team 49 plays 0  

Session 5 - CAA1

From  ITEP Team 64 plays 0  

EPA Grants and Tribal Air Quality Programs - GAP and CAA 103

To turn off closed captioning, click the "CC" icon in the lower-righthand corner of the video.This webinar introduces tribal professionals to the world of tribal air quality programs and…

+11 More
From  ITEP Team 87 plays 0  

Introduction to Tribal Air Quality Program Development and the Clean Air Act

To turn off closed captioning, click the "CC" icon in the lower-righthand corner of the video.This webinar introduces tribal professionals to the world of tribal air quality programs and…

+10 More
From  ITEP Team 122 plays 0  

Overview of CAA & Permitting Programs

Presenter: Laura Mckelvey (EPA) Moderator: Natasha Fulton (ITEP), Regina Chappell (EPA)

From  ITEP Team 118 plays 0  

Overview of the Clean Air Act

Presenter: Laura Mckelvey (EPA) Moderator: Pat Ellsworth (ITEP), James Payne (EPA)

+5 More
From  ITEP Team 189 plays 0  

AQ Basics and Overview of CAA

The Air Quality Basics and Overview of the Clean Air Act webinar was delivered on February 6, 2017 as part of the 2017 Management Course. Patricia Ellsworth provided and introduction to air quality…

From  ITEP Team 230 plays 0