(1:58) This will be an interactive session that will include presentations and discussions on: Climate change vulnerability assessment that EPA is developing, Extreme precipitation and transport of…
Transportation is the largest source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the U.S and, as such, any plan to address climate change must look to the transportation industry to reduce emissions. …
UST businesses save money when their facilities are managed well and comply with environmental regulations. The goal of this session is to share experiences with UST facility management, including…
The goal for this session is to have interactive dialogue about environmental self-determination and underground storage tanks (USTs) including an open conversation among Indian Nations about their…
(1:25) Compliance with underground storage tank regulations (UST) helps prevent costly and environmentally damaging UST releases. NEIWPCC and the US EPA Office of Underground Storage Tanks (OUST) are…
This session will provide an overview of a typical UST cleanup process and case study examples from tribes, including: What we know about typical LUST sites, What owners are required to do and what…
The objective of this course is to provide an in-depth overview of AST systems. This course will include content on AST: Design (shop built versus field erected), Components/Terminology, Inspection…
The objective of this course is to provide an in-depth overview of AST systems. This course will include content on AST: Design (shop built versus field erected), Components/Terminology, Inspection…
Please note there is a part 2 for this video: https://mediaspace.nau.edu/media/TRAINING%3A%20The%20USEPA%20SPCC%20Inspection%20Process%20(Federal%... The objective of this course is to provide an…
The objective of this 4-hour short course is to provide an in-depth overview of the USEPA Oil Program's Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) AST regulatory requirements (40 CFR…