To turn off closed captioning, click the "CC" icon in the lower-righthand corner of the video.This webinar introduces tribal professionals to the world of tribal air quality programs and…
This short video describes how radon in homes produce airborne radioactive heavy elements, including lead and polonium. We created a ~25 pCi/L environment, left a suit jacket in the room for several…
What low level and 100 pCi-L radon looks like in a cloud chamber.
Twa-le Abrahamson-Swan, Air Quality Program Manager, Spokane Tribe, discusses options for types of radon measurement devices and the benefits of each type. This video is part of the online course…
Jed Harrison, Former Director of the EPA Radiation and Indoor Environments National Lab and Former Sr. Tribal Advisor for the EPA Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, introduces principles of radon…
Nolan Hoskie, Radon Specialist, Navajo Nation EPA, describes radon characteristics, radioactive decay process, sources of radon, and health effects. This video is part of the online course titled…
Twa-le Abrahamson-Swan, Air Quality Program Manager, Spokane Tribe, discusses options for types of radon measurement devices and the benefits of each type. This video is part of the online course…