The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) and Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH) have subject matter experts…
Choctaw Nation of Oklamona (CNO) plans to address the procedures, tracking, reporting, monitoring of CNO facilities that are required to file Tier II reports. The plan is to educate others about the…
The presentation will be provide an overview of how the EPA’s SPCC Oil Spill Prevention Program uses innovative tools, policies and measurement metrics to ensure that communities with…
In the aftermath of the devastating Tenyo Maru spill of 1991, the Makah determined to build capacity and leadership in oil spill preparedness, planning, response, and NRDA to protect Makah treaty…
The objective of the EPA short course is to provide a detailed overview of the Oil Program AST/SPCC inspection process and how tribal partners can get involved in Oil Spill Prevention. This course…
The objective of this course is to provide an in-depth overview of AST systems. This course will including content on AST: • Design (shop built versus field erected) …
This session will include: • General review of what EPA Office of Emergency Management and Regional programs do especially with our Tribal partners. • Updates on regulations, policies,…
Natural disasters and other emergencies can strike without warning, causing significant damage to communities and placing lives at risk. This session will describe the effectiveness of emergency…
President Biden recently signed an Executive Order focused on the Federal Government's commitment to enhance and promote environmental justice. One focus of the Executive Order is to direct…
This session will introduce how EPA research supports Tribes' responses to disasters and environmental emergencies. This presentation is intended for Tribal planners and responders and will be…
Monica Rusk presented a general presentation last year on the National Pollution Funds Center and natural resource damage assessment (NRDA) funding potentially available to the tribes for oil spills.…
The EPA Office of Emergency Management (OEM) staff will provide an overview of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) for preparing and protecting citizens and first…
This presentation would focus on the unique challenges faced by tribal communities in emergency preparedness and response. The presentation would cover best practices for engaging tribal leaders and…
This presentation was delivered as part of the Tribal Lands and Environment Forum: Virtual Gathering in August 2021 by John Wheaton with the Nez Perce Tribe, Lucy Stanfield with the US EPA, and Monte…
This presentation was delivered as part of the Tribal Lands and Environment Forum: Virtual Gathering in August 2021 by Erika Wilson with the US EPA, Darlene Jenkins with the Navajo Nation, Natalie…
This presentation was delivered as part of the Tribal Lands and Environment Forum: Virtual Gathering in August 2021 by Erika Wilson and Matthew Huyser of the US EPA.In December 2020, the U.S.…